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Recreational Loans

Fun for every season

Home > Lending > Recreational Loans | Augusta & Winslow, ME

Recreational Loans

Connected Credit Union is bringing the fun with affordable loans for members that will provide year-round family enjoyment! We offer payment options to fit your budget! Whether you are purchasing a boat, motorhome, motorcycle, snowmobile, tractor, camper, personal watercraft, or ATV, we've got the financing you need! We also offer dealer partnership lending with our local dealerships! Be sure to tell them you are a Connected Credit Union member. Our partnership with them provides you with peace of mind, knowing your loan is at your local credit union, financed by people you know and trust.

Our loan terms from 36 to 120 months are sure to provide affordable fun for you and your family to enjoy for many years to come. Whatever the season, we can help you get out and enjoy what Maine has to offer! Contact our loan team today at (207) 623-3857 in Augusta or (207) 872-2636 in Winslow.

  • Bi-weekly payment options
  • Local decision making  
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Low-Cost GAP Plus Coverage 

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Refinance your auto or recreational loan and lower your current rate by as much as 2.00% and earn up to $300 cash back!

Contact our loan team for your best deal! Offer Ends April 30, 2025.

*Annual Percentage Rate as low as 3.99%. Loans subject to credit approval. The amount of the cash rebate is based on the balance of the refinanced loan amount. Consult with a loan officer for more information. Loans currently financed with Connected Credit Union are not eligible for this offer. Membership eligibility required.

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