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Home > Tax Scams to Watch Out For

Tax Scams


Tax Scams to Watch Out For

Suspended/Cancelled Social Security Number

A new social security scam is based around a robocall that claims your social security number is going to be suspended or canceled because of owed taxes. The scam uses fear tactics to trick recipients into calling the number back and giving away personal information. However, your social security number will never be suspended and the IRS will only contact you through the mail or in person.

Digital Messages

Another scam is fraudsters pretending to be the IRS by sending you an email or text message reminding you to file your taxes or claiming to have information about your refund. However, if you click the link in the message to file your taxes you will be brought to a spoofed site.  A spoofed site is a site that is almost identical to the original site but is run by scammers.  The site will send scammers any information you input making it easy for them to steal your identity. The message may also contain malware that would infect your computer and allow fraudsters to steal your data, such as passwords and PINs. The IRS will not send unsolicited emails or any other digital message such as text or social media.

Fake Letters

Since the IRS typically only sends letters, fraudsters have begun sending letters claiming to be from the Bureau of Tax Enforcement. However, the Bureau of Tax Enforcement does not exist. Official IRS letters will also have a notice (CP) or letter (LTR) number on the top or bottom right-hand corner of the letter. You can verify this number by going to the IRS website.

Ghost Tax Preparers

Ghost Tax Preparers are fraudsters claiming that they are professional tax preparers. However, they may charge for a percentage of your refund, claim fake deductions to boost refunds, and/or direct the refund into their account instead of yours. Ghost Tax Preparers also refuse to sign a return, making you responsible for their errors. Before hiring someone to help you file your taxes, ensure they have a valid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). If you are looking for a certified tax preparer, you can search through the IRS Directory of Federal Tax Preparers with Credentials and Select Qualifications.

We’re Here to Help!

From answering your questions about fraud prevention to helping you take the proper steps in the event you are the victim of a scam, our member service team is ready to help you.


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