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Home > AARP BankSafe Trained

AARP BankSafe Trained


AARP BankSafe Trained

Connected Credit Union is honored to receive the AARP BankSafe Trained Seal in recognition of our commitment to safeguarding older adults from financial exploitation through rigorous training and strong policies. AARP’s BankSafe financial organizations have protected more than 150 million consumers and saved more than $200 million from exploitation. Learn more by visiting aarp.org/banksafe.

AARP BankSafe Trained 2025 Seal

To report suspected elder financial abuse, contact the Maine Office of Aging and Disability Services, where calls can be made anonymously. You can also reach out to Connected Credit Union, as Maine credit unions have been leaders in working to prevent financial exploitation through training, awareness, and advocacy. Most importantly, if a senior is ever in immediate physical danger, call 911.

Disclaimer: Any reference made in this blog to a specific product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by Connected Credit Union of the product, process, or service, or its producer or provider.

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